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Community Response


As a result of the number of self-immolations, the Tibetan community decided to create an exhibit about these events at the Tibet Museum. In the media coverage of this event, we see that there is a high level of sympathy in response to these deaths.


In an article from The Tibet Post International, the exhibit was described as “honouring and commemorating” those who have self-immolated. This respectful portrayal of the immolators shows a lack of indifference towards the events and takes a clear stance on the issue. Though they urge citizens not to self-immolate, the group behind the exhibit made it clear that they are trying to help the world understand self-immolation. This assertion furthers the impression that China is the “bad guy” in the situation, and that they are clearly the reason behind these suicidal acts.


As a Tibetan news source, there are many biases that are shown in this article that display this. Describing the exhibit as an “impressive new element”, they praise the efforts of the Tibetan people to confront and take initiative against the Chinese government’s rule.


Coverage of the exhibit consisted mostly of quotes from one of the organizers of the event, making the bias even more present. Because most coverage stemmed from this, it all seems to hold the same content, reprehending China for their actions, while consoling the Tibetan people over their losses as a result of the self-immolations.

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